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时间:2021-03-29 11:31:02   作者:   来源:   阅读:1126   评论:0



  MacKenzie Scott & Jeff Bezos

  MacKenzie Scott (Jeff Bezos’s ex-wife) recently remarried.

  麦肯锡·斯科特 (前世界首富亚马逊总裁杰夫·贝佐斯的前妻)最近再婚了。


  Her husband is a high school chemistry teacher named Dan Jewett.

  她的新丈夫是位高中化学老师,叫丹·朱威特(Dan Jewett).

  He expressed gratitude "for the exceptional privilege it will be to partner in giving away assets with the potential to do so much good when shared."


  Dan Jewett, who made the announcement in a letter to the website of the non-profit organization the Giving Pledge on Saturday, said he never imagined he would be in a position to talk about giving away significant wealth during his lifetime in order to make a difference in other people's lives.

  丹·朱威特于周六发布声明,在这封写给公益组织Giving Pledge的信中,他表示,从没想过能有机会捐赠巨额财富,以改善他人的生活。


  Jewett has been a teacher for decades and most recently taught chemistry at the private Lakeside School, where Scott's children attended.


  "And now, in a stroke of happy coincidence, I am married to one of the most generous and kind people I know — and joining her in a commitment to pass on an enormous financial wealth to serve others," Jewett wrote.



  Marry up





  marry [ˈmæri]


  marry rich/married rich

  marry into wealth

  比如洛克菲勒家族是一个powerful/cohesive family(有权势的,有凝聚力的家族), 与洛克菲勒家族成员结婚就可以是:

  marry into the Rockfeller

  marry up 高攀


  百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》的名曲Satisfied唱的就是18世纪的将军长女Angelica Schuyler对Alexander Hamilton一见钟情但却不得不忍痛割爱的心声:

  I'm a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich.


  My father has no sons so I'm the one who has to social climb for one...


  And Alexander is penniless. That doesn't mean I want him any less.



 Build wealth together


 Marry for money or marry for love?



  Adam认为,其实选择另一半时的考量is not binary(并不是二元思维),并不是仅仅考虑钱或仅仅考虑浪漫爱情,而是综合的选择。很多人也会选择和另一半一起奋斗,像麦肯锡和前夫贝佐斯一样:

  They built their wealth together during the course of their marriage.


  Adam特别讲到,这里用build这个词,格外强调了取得财富需要的hard work(努力付出), 因为

  Building wealth is not just being at the right place at the right time.



  Marry up

  Realistically, when it comes to the marriage of monied folks, there would be a lot of gold-diggers who are in it for the money.


  gold-digger 拜金客

 in it for the money 为钱而来



  pre-nuptial agreement 婚前协议

  pre-nup 婚前协议(简称)

  post-nup 婚后协议

  protect assets 保护资产

 not entitled to have the money 无权分得财产



  -"How to find a good spouse?"

  -"The best single way is to deserve a good spouse."

  ― Charles T. Munger, Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger







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