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作者:王宝珠  来源:华夏教育网  阅读:1688


1.Do you have a favourite teacher?

2.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

3.What kinds of teacher do you like?

4.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?

5.Do you like strict teachers?

6.What is the difference between young teachers and old teachers?

7.Is it important for teachers to interact with students more frequently?

8.What is the most important part in your study? Teachers or classmates?

很多同学看到这组题的时候心情想必是崩溃的,心里早就问候考官千百遍。且呐喊:what are you 弄啥嘞?我又不当老师而且最烦就是老师你问我介个?

实际上恰好是因为我们有很多年的“受虐”经验,让我们可以talk it like a pro (说得像砖家一样)。在我们心目中,我们喜欢的老师可能是这样的:


elegant and graceful, well-organized in teacher



experienced, passionate and stay energetic

我们在小组讨论的时候他们虽然假装若无其事地坐在一旁,实则偷偷监督着我们的一举一动,特别是有木有开始 casual talk模式。时间进行地差不多了,会问问我们有木有遇到神马问题 see whether we have got some problems or not。

而在与老师的互动中要是同学们频频木有get到讲过的关键点,他/她又会不胜其烦地重复一二,repeat the previous content with great patience。

在我们心目中这样的工作是holy and respectable的,但实际上也有一部分老师是work for peanuts的,也就是咱们俗话说的操着卖非法物的心,赚着卖白菜的钱的意思。可是有木有想过,why would they do something like that? Maybe out of passion, or just their pursuit, or purely because they are really concerned about what kind of people we would be in the future?


1.Do you have a favourite teacher?

Yes, my favourite teacher is my high school maths teacher Nick, who is really professional and knows the teaching content inside and out. More importantly, he never cramps students'style, which is so encouraging.

2.Do you think teachers should be angry at students?

Well, I guess it really depends on students' behaviours. If they are not well-disciplined and keep making the same mistakes over and over again, teachers have every right to be angry at them. However, if students just make tiny mistakes, there is no point for teachers to lose their temper.

3.Do you like strict teachers?

I definitely do, for strict teachers never fail to push us to try our best in study. More than that, with their help, we may even able to explore our own potentialities when facing difficult tasks in study.

4.Is it important for teachers to interact with students more frequently?

Yes, absolutely, not only could teachers know students' knowledge gap, but also can allow teachers to remedy them by repeating the previous teaching content. Somehow teacher to student interaction can also serve as an important step of reinforcement in learning.



what it is?

I would say this job is maths teacher, a quite holy and respectable job in our society and even in a lot of countries in the world. The people who do this job often have the mission to convey knowledge to their students, and teach them to tell right from wrong.

How you can get this job?

In order to be a teacher, I guess my first task is to get the teaching certificate, which can prove me as a qualified teacher for teaching occupations in schools. Besides, having face-to-face interview with presidents of schools, and giving demo lessons would be necessary to show my teaching skills.

What kinds of work would you do?

In most of the time I need to get up very early and arrive at school around 7:30 a.m, and then my work will get started. In the morning I should give lectures to students, illustrating the meanings of some abstract mathematical concepts. Meanwhile classroom interactions should take place, through which I would know the students' knowledge gap and find time t remedy it. When the classes are over, assignment cannot be missed to check their mastery of knowledge. If time permits, I should comment on their answers as soon as possible.

Why you want to have this job?

I want to be a teacher because it has been my dream job since high school, at that time I had a favourite teacher who is... . I also wish I could become someone like him some day.


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