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On December 13, the nhsdlc released the latest national debater ranking, and Lin Shen and Chen Li Jinghan of our school rushed to the top 25 of the country with the championship points of Wuhan regional competition. It is gratifying that our school's debate team has made a strong debut in less than half a year.



让我们盘点一下我校辩论队在近期结束的武汉地区赛中的表现,我校辩论队6名学生:林深Richard、陈李璟晗Alice、汤俊洋George、程天康Fernando、易柯帆Anna、赖俊豪Michael,参加了NHSDLC本赛季最后一场地区赛。其中林深Richard&陈李璟晗Alice以9连胜获得冠军,并且两人都获得Top Speaker;汤俊洋George&程天康Fernando在杀入32强淘汰赛后意外击败种子队伍(国榜86名)杀入16强;易柯帆Anna&赖俊豪Michael以1分之差遗憾止步小组赛。虽然我校只有三支队伍参赛,但是总体表现优异,获得团体第三名的好成绩。

Let's take a stock of our school's debating team's performance in the recently concluded Wuhan regional competition. Six students of our school's debating team: Lin Shen, Chen Li Jinghan, Tang junyang, Cheng Tiankang, Yi Kefan and Lai Junhao participated in the last regional competition of nhsdlc this season. Among them, Lin Shen and Chen Li Jinghan won the championship with 9 consecutive victories, and both won top speaker; Tang junyang and Cheng Tiankang accidentally beat the seed team (86 in the national list) to reach the top 16 after reaching the top 32 elimination competition; Yi Kefan and Lai Junhao ended the group competition with 1 point difference. Although our school only has three teams to participate in the competition, but the overall performance is excellent, and we have won the third place in the group.





After the opening of the Sino US class this year, our school focuses on encouraging students to participate in speeches and debates. In August this year, our school held the Teensen Meibiao training camp, inviting meiyuhan & Wang Yanzhi, the champion of Meibiao, to give a lecture. The two champions in the history of Meibiao in Jiangxi were won by them. Lin Shen & Chen lijinghan, the champion of Wuhan regional competition, is the third champion of Meibiao in Jiangxi.



This championship is hard won, both unexpected and reasonable. The last competition of the autumn competition starts at the same time in Wuhan and Xiamen. According to her own experience, Mr. Xie Wanshun suggested that the players report for the Xiamen competition. Because there are many strong players in Wuhan competition, it is not easy to win the prize, and the overall strength of Xiamen competition will be weaker. However, Chen Li Jinghan thought that as a novice, the most important thing was to gain experience in fighting with experts, and the award was the second, so all the team members reported the Wuhan regional competition. In addition to the local famous schools in Wuhan, such as Wuhan Yingzhong and Wuhan six foreign countries, there are also a large number of students from famous schools in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, such as Beijing Dingshi, UWC Changshu, Shanghai baoyugang, Shanghai world foreign language, etc.


The team members took advantage of the autumn vacation to improve the case. On the train to Wuhan, they were still doing simulation training. During the competition, they were also constantly observing other experts, constantly adjusting their strategies, and finally achieved excellent results.


With the announcement of nhsdlc spring competition, our team members will be preparing for the spring competition soon. I wish them good results.

撰写:Zero 谢万顺

摄影:Zero 谢万顺

编辑:Wendy 贾西贝

翻译:Shmily 邓莹

朗读:Mia 闵熙若

主编:Jane 肖依

总编:Gary 高陆


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